Preceda Mobile Access
This functionality provides Preceda OnDemand users with the ability to access selected Employee Self Service (ESS) and Manager Self Service (MSS) functions via mobile devices.

Preceda Mobile functionality is supported in the following Operating Systems:
Operating System | Browser |
Apple iOS (6.1+) | Safari |
Android (4.0+) | Google Chrome |
Windows Phone (8+) | Internet Explorer |
Blackberry OS (10+) | Not Supported |
Only the native browsers have been tested on these devices. Some other browsers are supported but not tested.

- On a compatible device, go to to access Preceda Mobile.
- Enter your log in details. Your log in credentials for Preceda Mobile are the same as those for your Preceda Desktop.
- If you are using Single SignOn, you should refer to the Single SignOn section below for more details.
- Devices being used for Preceda Mobile should be configured to allow pop-ups. This will need to be configured using the settings functions available on each device.
- You can place a short cut to the web page on your device.
Switch Between Desktop and Mobile View
- In the Log in page, you may switch between Desktop and Mobile views.
- This is NOT available for users with Single SignOn. Refer to the section on Single SignOn below for more details.
- The image below shows an example on how to switch from Mobile to Desktop view.
- The image below shows an example on how to switch from Desktop to Mobile view.
- The system will now recognise the type of device being used and automatically determine which view to use (Mobile or Desktop) based on the logic outlined in the matrix below.
Device Default View on Logon PC Desktop Tablet Desktop Smart Phone Mobile Chrome Books Desktop Other Mobile
Single SignOn Considerations
In cases where the user has Preceda access using Single SignOn, there are a number of things to consider for Preceda Mobile.
- Single SignOn (SSO) Users can only access Preceda on Mobile devices following the rules for SSO that apply to their organisation.
- Generally, Preceda Mobile is only available if the SSO Web Service is Internet-based or, if not, the device should be connected to an internal network.
- SSO does not have the ability to switch from the default view presented to them at login.

- Features available to individual users (e.g. My Time, My Pay, My Leave) depend on user profile.
- Individual screens are displayed and access can be turned off/on. However, screens cannot be changed.
- Any themes configured in your database will be applied to the mobile look and feel.
- On some devices, users may be forced to log in again once the user has moved to another application and went back to Preceda Mobile. This OS constraint is not controlled by Preceda.
Timeout controls existing in the Preceda configuration for Preceda Desktop are applied to Preceda Mobile through the following Preceda Variables:
- *PEOPLE_TIMEOUT Preceda Power Users
- *SELFSERV_TIMEOUT Self Service Users
- To check the settings for the system, go to the Preceda Variables screen (System Management > Utilities > Database Configuration > Preceda Variables), and review the records listed above.
Hover over the image to view a screen shot on the PREVAR screen for SELFSERV_TIMEOUT.
- To have the Timeout settings changed, log a support call with Preceda Support.

At the time Preceda Mobile was introduced, users were given access to the functionality in Preceda Mobile based on their access to the existing functionality in Preceda Desktop for Employee Self Service. This is controlled using standard Security configuration functions in Preceda. Information on the Module and Activity IDs associated with this are provided below.
- To check the settings for your system, go to the Define Access Profiles screen (System Management > Security > Access Profiles > Define Access Profiles).
(Click the image to view example.)
- To check the Activity ID settings for the system, go to Preceda Access screen (System Management > Security > Access Profiles > Preceda Access), and review the record for each Profile.
- To change the access, the Access Profiles relevant to the user must be updated.